View Full Version : Jewawut Pakan Favorit Burung Kenari

20th June 2015, 04:27 PM
Grains are known as highly nutritious food for birds chatter has long been recognized by the kicaumania mainly for various species of birds such as canaries, birds love bird, dove, Streaked Weaver, glatik birds, finches, and others. Because for some species of birds babble mentioned above makes the grain as food obligatory in addition coupled with extra fooding food such as crickets, grasshoppers and Kroto.

Well, grain to be eaten by birds chatter is not just one type of course but there are some types that are sold in the bird food sales chatter. And every type of grain that there is a difference starting from the price, quality, shape, color, and it includes nutrients. Since that article is to discuss the types of grain to birds babble.

Feed grains that can be given to a canary pretty much kind and easy to obtain on the market. Some are in the form of packaging, some are made by traders of feed or bird feed company, and there is also a feed imports.

When used in feed quality because kilogram Noteworthy is often mixed with dirt. Feed should be cleaned by soaking in water, discard the seeds that float on water.

Dikatan quality seeds can still germinate well if (life) and can be characterized by the will sink if the seeds are soaked in water.

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