View Full Version : General stages of tomato plant growth

11th August 2015, 11:13 AM
Basically all living beings created by God will experience a process of tertumbuhan and development. No exception at the tomato plant. The main purpose of the process of growth and development of none other than to defend life from generation to generation.

On the growth process of the tomato plant, one of the most important processes going on hiking is the process of photosynthesis. In this process, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) in the chlorophyll cells react with the help of solar radiation to produce sugar. Sugar that form can be used by tomato plants to produce energy through the process of respiration (breathing). In addition sugar also serves to form the cells or tissues of the body (the process of assimilation) or can be converted into starch, fat, and protein as food reserves stored diakar leaves, twigs, fruits and seeds.

To increase tomato plant growth, photosynthetic process must be made more efficient. This can be done by improving soil moisture (lower levels of stress due to drought), increasing the absorption of solar energy and CO2, and provide the necessary nutrients in the correct and proper proportion.

General stages of tomato plant growth is divided into two phases, namely the phases of vegetative and generative phase.

VEGETATIVE PHASES: Going on the development of roots, leaves and stems, especially when beginning a new growth or after flowering or fruiting. This phase occurs on three important processes, i.e., cell division, cell renewal, and the first stage of cell differentiation.

The GENERATIVE PHASE of the reproductive phase of terjdi or: on the formation and development of flower buds, flowers, fruit and seeds. It can also occur on the enlargement and pendewasaan food storage structures, roots and stems are fleshy. Important new process takes place on the generative phase includes the conception of the cells which are relatively meager; pendewasaan network; tomato plant thickening fibers-fibers; the formation of the hormone to the development of flower buds, flowers, fruit and seeds ; development of tools of storage; and the formation of hydrophilic colloid-colloid (colloid can retain water).