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Old 12th August 2015, 08:10 AM  
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Default Cara Agar Burung Kenari Sehat dan Bersuara Bagus

To maintain the health of canaries and also get good sound quality the first thing to note is the cleanliness of the cage. It is very important to the comfort of your canary. Here are some basic maintenance tips to maintain the health of the birds. With good health, sound beautiful canary ready obtained.
Always pay attention and keep the cleanliness of your bird cage. Do not forget to clean the floor of kotorang bird cage every day. Due to a clean cage birds are healthy condition.
Note also the availability of clean water in their cages. Replace the water in the cage with fresh water every day. Choose quality water and healthy.
Prepare the feed from grain quality. Choose food that is nutritious and good for the health of your pet as niger seed, millet, canary seed.
Feel free to provide additional food supplements. The food alone is sometimes not enough to meet the needs of vitamins and other beneficial substances for your pet. Add A supplements and minerals to them.
Avoid your bird from the cage and direct exposure to sunlight. If the bird is exposed to direct sunlight, especially in times of scorching heat, it is not impossible birds can die from overheating. If you want to hang your bird, try the early morning or late afternoon sun more shady.
Avoid too cages and birds from direct exposure to strong winds.
Beware the attack of mites or ticks on your bird.
Soon nail clippers birds that are too long. Especially for males, this is so that when mated to the nail does not hurt the couple.
Thus was some basic things we can do to maintain the health of a pet canary. With a healthy bird and has a strong body resistance, then the birds will not be lazy to go off. Walnut voice loud and indahpun can be easily obtained. Either as a hobby or maintain canaries for the competition, of course, requires discipline in care.

Link: agar kenari sehatn dan bagus suaranya
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