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Old 22nd February 2017, 11:38 AM  
Sek. RT
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Default Vocabulary in News : Why Jakarta Election Could Change the Face of Indonesia

Vocabulary in News adalah series pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dari Squline untuk mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris di dalam berita dari dalam dan luar negri. Dengan ini kamu akan semakin mendapat banyak kosakata dan bisa mengerti isi berita bahasa Inggris tersebut. Ayo lancarkan bahasa Inggris mu dengan banyak membaca dan berlatih dengan pengajar asing di situs kursus bahasa Inggris online yang dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Tambahkan akun LINE @squline untuk bisa menanyakan langsung pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan fitur chat bahasa Inggris Ask Allaine.


1. Election

iˈlekSHən (Noun)

– Pemilihan

example : The 2017 general election in Indonesia was very conducive.

2. Sprawling

/sprôl/ (Verb)

– Tersebar di daerah yang luas dengan tidak beraturan.

example : The town sprawled along several miles of cliff top.

3. Incumbent

/inˈkəmbənt/ (Adjective)

– Petahana atau yang menjabat posisi.

example : The incumbent governor had been defeated.

4. Determine

/dəˈtərmən/ (Verb

– menyebabkan sesuatu untuk muncul atau terjadi; yang menjadi faktor penentu.

example : It will be your attitude that determines your future.

5. Preliminary

/prəˈliməˌnerē/ (adjective)


example : Preliminary course is needed to pass this subject.

6. Litmus test

/ˈlitməs ˌtest/ (noun)

-tes yang menunjukkan hasil penentu

example : opposition to the nomination became a litmus test for political support of candidates.

7. Brash

/braSH/ (adjective)

kurang ajar, kasar.

example : He could be brash and seemed arrogant at the time, but he is honest and working wholeheartedly.

8. Combative

/kəmˈbadiv/ (adjective)

siap sedia dan agresif untuk bertarung.

example : He made some enemies with his combative style.

9. Reckless

/ˈrekləs/ (adjective)

perlakuan seseorang yang tanpa pikir panjang dan tidak peduli akan konsekuensi atas perbuatannya, nekat dan gegabah.

example : When you are drunk, you tend to be so reckless.

10. Antipathy

/anˈtēpəTHē/ (noun)

rasa antipati atau perasaan mendalam yang tidak menyukai sesuatu.

example : His fundamental antipathy to capitalism.

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Article : Why Jakarta Election Could Change the Face of Indonesia.
16 February 2017

(CNN)It’s an election that could change Indonesia.

Voters in the capital of Jakarta went to the polls Wednesday to elect a new governor.

But more is at stake than who governs the sprawling, chaotic metropolis of 30 million people.

The contest between the incumbent, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, an ethnic Chinese Christian commonly known as Ahok, and his two Muslim opponents has raised questions over whether Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, will remain a moderate Muslim society.

It could even determine who will be the next president of Indonesia after the 2019 national election.

Preliminary exit polls and surveys have Ahok and former Education and Culture Minister Anies Baswedan as the top two candidates, with neither breaking the 50% threshold to prevent a runoff.

A result won’t be known for two weeks, and if no one wins a majority, a second round of voting will take place April 19.

“If (incumbent) Ahok (were) to lose, other than politicians using religion as a tool, Islamists will use it to change Islam into Indonesia to their own meaning, that isn’t Indonesian,” Tobias Basuki, a researcher at the Indonesian think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told CNN.

“They will gain an upper hand. (This) will be the first litmus test.”

Polling data before Wednesday’s election showed Ahok and Baswedan were expected to face off in the second round in April.


Whatever the result, Ahok will have to bear some of the blame for his brash, confrontational style of governing, Fealy said.

“He’s a very combative, outspoken, reckless kind of character who has achieved a lot for Jakarta, but he’s a character who has created a lot of antipathy toward him,” he said.

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Last edited by megumin; 13th April 2017 at 02:58 PM..
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