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Old 3rd June 2013, 05:40 PM  
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Default Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa International : Will Bahasa Indonesia become an inter

Will Bahasa Indonesia become an international language?

I completely agree with this one. In the future, we need to survive using a language that is easy. I know a little about English, French and Arabic.
What makes a language complicated is mostly the conjugation ( the change of a word due to personal pronous, tenses, active-passive, word formation ). With this respect , Bahasa Indonesia has a very simple grammar, It doesn't have tenses, it doesn't have verb change based on either personal pronous or active-passive.

In English and other language we need to memorize :

Verb1 - Verb2 and Verb3

In Arabic it become more complicated

But in Bahasa Indonesia.

Saya Makan
Dia Makan
Kamu Makan
Mereka Makan
Kami Makan

The verbs of makan = eat , don't change on pronous

Tiap hari saya makan
kemarin saya makan
saya sedang makan
saya akan makan
saya sedang makan ketika kamu datang

the verbs of makan = eat , don't change on tenses ( present, future, participle )

So ... yeah .. Bahasa Indonesia will become International Language slowly.
The same time as the indonesia share to the world of activity increase in economic, social, military, politic, business etc.

Other comments

that's rough.
Bahasa Indonesia is quite difficult to learn especially for non-asians (but it doesn't mean it's impossible to learn for them)

Reasons (i'm using english as a comparison language here. the examples might contain some indonesian words/sentences)

1.) Politeness.
here's an example:
in English, a boy may say like this to his mom: "Mom, are you alright?"
in Bahasa, he may not say: "ibu, apakah kamu baik baik saja?"
instead, he should say: "apakah ibu baik baik saja?"

Bahasa Indonesia is still bound to, what we call, politeness.
it takes priority in every aspect of the language. the speaker must consider a few things such as the person's age, marital status, etc. as they mainly affect the words used in a sentence.

2.) Complicated Grammar.
(there are several different grammatical problems and examples. i will mention one of them here.)

in English, we know a total of 16 Tenses, while Bahasa Indonesia doesn't use any tenses at all! Simply put a time marker in the sentence and you're good to go! the time marker functions as both a time marker and a tense.

here's an example:
in English, a sentence in past tense would look like this: "i ate some cookies yesterday"
in Bahasa, it would look like this: "aku makan kue kemarin"

you cannot replace the word yesterday (in English) with tomorrow to change the tense into a future tensewithout changing the verb, in this case: ate should be changed to eat, with an additional will included before the verb: will eat.
instead, you just simply replace kemarin (in Bahasa) with besok without having to change the verb makan to change the tense.
this tends to be easier for few to learn while the others might experience some difficulty.

3.) Informal Words
all languages have informal words. but, well, you should take note before using these words in Bahasa.

in English, generally means: Anda in Bahasa.
but the word Anda have several substitutes, such as: Kamu (general use), Lu/Lo (informal use), Situ, and some more words i don't mention here.
These words are not really substitutes, they describe the relationship of the speaker with the person he/she is talking with. this point is similar to reason #1.

here's an example:
in English, you would say like this to someone you just knew: "You are the manager, aren't you?"
in Bahasa, it would sound like this: "Anda manajernya, kan?"

The manager would think you're impolite if you replace the word "Anda" with "Kamu", or even worse, everybody would think you're a disgrace if you replace it with "Lu"

another example:
in English, here's a your conversation with your friend: "Alex, where do you wanna go?"
in Indonesian, it would sound like this: "Alex, lu mau kemana?"

Alex might think you're being a freak or in a state of anger if you replace the word "Lu" with "Anda"

We all know all languages have informal words, the main problem is, Bahasa has too many substitutes for a single word. this might be complicated for some people to learn the language.
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