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Old 17th July 2012, 03:01 PM  
Sek Cam
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Oncom is the food of people in Indonesia, which consists of two main types: oncom red and black oncom. Oncom made from red kapang oncom Neurospora sitophila while oncom made from black kapang tempe Rhizopus oligosporus.

Oncom generally made from red pulp, and the soybean that has been taken in making protein know. While black oncom oilcake usually made from peanut sometimes mixed with the Lees (onggok) cassava flour or cassava, in order to have a better texture and more software.

Know is a waste residue from processing soybeans into known. Oilcake peanut pulp is derived from the peanut oil that has been taken with the mechanical process of Exploitation or extraction process.

Although the second form of waste materials, but is reviewed in terms of nutrition is indeed the second material is a material that nutrient dense, so that it is to be pitied or be removed if the cattle feed.
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