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Old 9th May 2021, 06:10 PM  
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Default 5 reasons why kids don't like reading and what to do

Parents of today often complain that children don't like to read. This is usually explained by the new generation of clip thinking - a way of perceiving the surrounding world in the form of vivid, but fragmented and short-term images, which is formed with the constant use of gadgets. But this is not the only reason children are not interested in reading. Most of the factors that prevent a child from falling in love with books can be dealt with by parents on their own.

Children follow the example of their parents by copying their behavior. If mom and dad prefer to spend their free time watching TV or a computer, the child will not start reading books on their own. Without the help of his parents, he will not even suspect that he can read the book just like that, for himself. The habit is not developed by being forced to read. This will cause protest and resistance, and the reading process will be associated with negative emotions.

What to do

Habits are established in childhood and reinforced with regular repetition. The most effective way is to have a daily book reading ritual with your child. You can read fairy tales before going to bed, on a walk or just when you have a free minute. The main thing is to do it constantly. It is important to show that a book is a common and necessary object in the house, with which you can get a lot of positive emotions. He will understand this if he constantly sees parents reading, enjoying the process.


The information that a child receives through a TV or computer is quickly absorbed. Reading, however, requires some effort and skill. If a child reads uncertainty, he may simply not understand the meaning of what he read - the words will not pass into the image. Also, the child may have vision problems, and it will be physically difficult for him to read.

Often, technical difficulties in mastering the text are experienced by children who have learned to read late. In children, the sensitive period (the age when they are most receptive to learning, and can quickly master the skill of reading) begins at 5-6 years. If you miss the moment and do not teach children to read before school, it will be much more difficult for them in the future. Your child does not know even how many days old am i. So you have to make decisions as he cannot take them for himself.

What to do
Preparation for school is necessary for the timely development of reading skills. There are special courses adapted to the specifics of children's perception of information, in which the child can quickly and effortlessly learn to read.
Self-reading books should be appropriate for the child's skill level. You need to start with books with simple text and large print - this will make it easier for him to perceive what he has read. It is necessary to check the child's eyesight with a specialist and, if necessary, order glasses or lenses so that reading does not cause discomfort.


Previously, books were the main entertainment and the only way to gain knowledge. There was no such choice as now, so they read everything and knew how to work with the text of any complexity. It is difficult to interest modern children in classical literature. They do not want to read books from the school list, they find reading boring and not prestigious.

What to do

Offer books that are interesting to the child. It is better to take him with you to the library or store - let him choose what he likes on his own. When choosing literature, you can take into account the interests and hobbies of children. For example, suggest a superhero comic, a dinosaur book, or a princess magazine. They will help to interest the child, after which he himself will begin to try to read more serious literature.


Comprehension and perception of the text are directly related. Often in books, there are words that are not used in life. The child does not know their meaning, as a result, the words read are not associated with the image, the plot becomes incomprehensible, and the book is not interesting.
Children with sufficient vocabulary may also have difficulty understanding the text. For example, it is difficult for them to concentrate and hold attention, follow all the details, find hidden meaning in the plot and actions of the heroes.

What to do

When reading, speech develops, and vocabulary increases, so a child needs to start reading from infancy. If there are incomprehensible words in the text, their meaning must be explained. Thus, by the time of independent reading, he will have formed a sufficient lexical base.
The second important point is the discussion of books. You should always be interested in what conclusions the child made after reading the book, what he liked, what actions of the characters caused positive and negative emotions. So he will learn not only to understand the text but also to think out loud.


Now parents pay special attention to the all-round development of their children. In addition to school and homework, the child's schedule usually includes additional music, drawing, dancing, sports, robotics, etc. In a busy schedule, there is no time left not only for reading but also for simply resting.
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