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Old 30th June 2014, 12:54 PM  
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Thumbs up Prabowo-Hatta To Protect Indonesia From Foreign Products With Triple Helix Method In

Prabowo-Hatta To Protect Indonesia From Foreign Products With Triple Helix Method In Debat Capres 4

Indonesia currently has become a market for foreign products. As such, great efforts should be taken to improve the competitiveness of the national products as well as human resources.

Prabowo and Hatta proposed the triple-helix methods to improve the competitive edge of Indonesia. Firstly, government is to develop innovation centres in Indonesia. Incentives such as deductible tax will also be given to companies which invest in research and development. Last but not least, incentives should also be given to accelerate the growth of entrepreneurship in Indonesia.

Around Rp 10 Billions will be allocated for research and development. The few important industries which they will focus on include energy, food, transportation, health, maritime, and defense.

In addition, Indonesia should stop exporting raw materials but value-added products. As such, Indonesian skilled talents will have opportunities to work in Indonesia with their competencies and proficiency in their respective industry. Depending on raw materials will also contribute to the wealth leakage or potential loss up to Rp 3 trillion per day.

Kalla: Indonesia Is To Keep Up With Technology

Technology is developing very fast and Indonesia has to keep up to compete with other countries. Transfer of technology from foreign companies to local partners in Indonesia is one of the thing that can be done.

In addition, Indonesian skilled talents who are working overseas should come back with their experience to build the nation. Appreciation should be given to them, not necessarily in monetary term, to make them enjoy working in Indonesia. In addition, while working overseas, they can contribute to the nation’s economy.

Global Competitiveness of Indonesia

To improve the global competitiveness of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla also mentioned that the bureaucracy to set up business in Indonesia should be simplify. Until now, business players are facing difficulties to get licences both in cities and districts.

“The issues regarding labours should also be settled,” he added.

On the other hand, for Hatta, innovation and technological readiness are more important to improve the nation’s competitiveness. “In my perspective, the most fundamental thing is infrastructure,” he responded Kalla’s answer.

Yet, both vice-presidential candidates agreed that incentives should be given to companies in order to boost research and development. In addition, the different research departments in Indonesia with their different niche should be coordinated in order to work synergically. Research departments, universities and industrial players are to work together to ensure that the results from the research can be implemented in the industry and market.
Saya mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu`alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Siapa yang melihat kemungkaran maka rubahlah dengan tangannya, jika tidak mampu maka rubahlah dengan lisannya, jika tidak mampu maka (tolaklah) dengan hatinya dan hal tersebut adalah selemah-lemahnya iman.”
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