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15th January 2015, 03:22 PM
Bird Taming Walnuts, of some of the articles that I share about how to tame the bird struck me how to tame these birds more easily than other birds in terms of bird species is the most easily tamed me say as it is also possible relative because each person's experience is different but I personally think it can be very easy to tame canary because this bird has been of little contact with humans or domesticated different again if you can get it from natural alias of canaries were blurry, but we can be sure that the canary is already accustomed to humans while still maintained first owner .

Canary Bird Taming relatively easier sepengalaman I just can from buying walnut male and when I try to hold the canary bird is not brutal Pleci or Murai stone because only a sound but the movement is not too agile so I easily hold it and the more frequent the canaries I became increasingly benign and now already adopted others Alright now let's see together how Taming Bird Walnuts:

If you are new can be canaries then temporarily not in doing his daily care, but wait a little while until walnuts really do not stress because of new environmental adaptation, after which you do daily care such as bathing, drying and provide feed
place the bird cage in place human traffic, can diteras home (make sure your home is safe from predators and thieves hehehe lest new walnuts can actually change hands when you wind wind diteras home or even stolen cat)
for ways of feeding because it is not like most insectivorous birds then you just give him a poached quail egg with carefully and slowly
sandingkan canary cage close to the other or the other birds so that he does not feel lonely and quickly you adapt new dilingkungannya

So how Taming Birds Canaries canaries are relatively easier, to ensure gender please read here in the meantime please check the article Secret Walnuts champion if you want your canary in the arena of fierce competition :)

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