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Old 16th July 2012, 05:41 PM   #1
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Default Indonesian Traditional Culinary

let share about general Traditional Culinary in Indonesia.
with 33 province and 237 million people Indonesia has so many traditional culinary.
if you looking this thread make sure that you already full.
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Old 16th July 2012, 05:46 PM   #2
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Klepon is Indonesia traditional food made from glutinous rice shaped into small balls. Klepon stuffed with palm sugar and topping with grated coconut. When you bite you will feel the sensation of the sweetness of palm sugar.
Usually klepon has a green color comes from suji leaf or pandan leaf. When Ramadhan comes, Klepon often found in traditional markets. This traditional food more delicious eaten as a snack fit in the morning or afternoon. If there mochi in Japan, then there klepon in Indonesia with special taste of palm sugar. Klepon, sweet glutinous rice ball from Indonesia.


Bakpia is traditional food from Yogyakarta, but in other places in Indonesia called Pia. Bakpia is a traditional cuisine that made from a mixture of green beans and sugar wrapped in a flour dough and then baked. Bakpia actually is not really original from Yogyakarta, but Bakpia is from China. In China, Bakpia real name is Tou Luk Pia, which means cake with meat contents. That's what makes bakpia from Yogyakarta have different taste with Tou Luk Pia from China. Bakpia have sweet taste like many other Yogyakarta traditional cuisine. In 1948 Bakpia began produced in the Pathuk Village, Yogyakarta.

Now many brands that sell bakpia spread all over the city of Yogyakarta. As the growing of bakpia industry, this cuisine have a variety of flavor like chocolate, pineapple, cheese, durian.
Many tourist who come to Yogyakarta, buy this traditional food as a souvenir. Bakpia feels more delicious when eaten while drinking a cup of bitter hot tea.


ehu is Indonesian food which are often found around Bandung, West Java. Gehu term itself comes from the word "taoge"(bean sprouts) and "tahu" (tofu). Tofu and bean sprouts are the main ingredients to make gehu.
People usually eat gehu with green chili but gehu also delicious eaten with chilli sauce or tomato sauce. Gehu usually sold together with other gorengan (fried foods) such as bala bala, fried bananas, cireng, fried tempe, comro.
So if you travel to Bandung don't forget to taste gehu and other gorengan to fill your stomach and to relieve thirst you can buy bajigur or bandrek.


If you ever traveling to Yogyakarta, you must familiar with this traditional cuisine. Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. Gudeg is made from young Nangka (jackfruit) and cooked with coconut milk, bay leaves, palm sugar, teak leaves and other spices like garlic, shallot. Teak leaves (daun jati) that makes gudeg coloured brown. It took a few hours to cook this traditional food. Like most other Yogyakarta traditional food, gudeg has a sweet taste. Gudeg usually eaten with other foods such as coconut milk sauce (areh) , sambal goreng krecek (this dish taste spicy), tofu, chicken, boiled egg and not tasty eat gudeg without white rice.
Gudeg have various types, there are three types of gudeg. Dry Gudeg, Wet Gudeg and Gudeg Solo. Solo is a city near Yogyakarta. To give more traditional impression gudeg is usually served on banana leaf.
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Old 16th July 2012, 05:53 PM   #3
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Indonesian Satay

As in traditional culinary, satay is actually one of the prominent culinary in Indonesia that you can see all around the areas here in Indonesia. It has different kind of satay that is being the special characteristic for the area itself. Before that, we need to know, what is satay actually? Satay is a dish
that is made from pieces of meat seasoned and impaled with a stick made from bamboo or the midrib of the coconut leave. Meats that are usually used are beef, chicken, pork, and also fish. For the fish satay, lemongrass stalk is sometimes used as it adds a special and distinctive flavor.

Satay is a popular delicacy in Indonesia. There are various kinds of satays in Indonesia. From each area has different taste of satay concerning that the sauce that is used for the satay has the typical different seasoning from one to one. Some are like Sate Madura, sate Padang, sate Ponorogo, sate Tegal,
sate ambal, sate Blora, sate Banjar, sate Makasar, sate buntel, sate lilit, sate pusut, sate ampet, sate maranggi, sate klatak, the list can go on, are the example of satay that are can be found here in Indonesian culinary. That said, satay is also being the default dish in a celebration or ritual activity in traditional ceremony in Indonesia.

The fact is satay itself is spreading around in Indonesia, becoming this as the national dish of Indonesia. You can eat satay all around from the morning until the night because there’s always food stall or cadger in the street as the place you can buy this as your breakfast, lunch, or dinner menu. Though, satay in some places in Indonesia has the different sauce, yet commonly peanut sauce is the one that mostly can we found and easily be made in home.Satay may be served with a spicy peanut sauce, slivers of onions and ketupat too.


Rendang is one of Minangkabau (an ethnic goup in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia) traditional dishes that use meat and coconut milk as a main ingredient and enriched with spices. Rendang, a dish with a spicy flavor is favored by the Indonesian community, and can be found all over the Padang Restaurant in Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries. This dish is sometimes better known as Rendang Padang, but rendang is Minang cuisine in general.
Rendang is a dish containing rich spices. Generally, beef is the basic ingredient for making Rendang. But today, people also makes rendang with chicken. Besides beef, all you need to make Rendang are coconut milk and a blend of various ground spices, consisting of chili paste, galangal, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, onions, turmeric, and other various spices. The specificity of rendang is the use of natural ingredients that act as natural preservatives which able to kill pathogenic bacteria. Galangal, garlic, ginger and shallots are known to have strong antimicrobial activity. It makes sense, the rendang can be store for 1 to 4 weeks.
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Old 16th July 2012, 05:56 PM   #4
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Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice)

Nasi goreng or actually fried rice in English, is food made from rice which is fried with spices and other ingredients. Fried rice is a popular food in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Rice is one of important traditional Chinese cuisine, according to historical records already existed around 4000 BC. Fried rice then spread to Southeast Asia brought by Chinese nomads who settled there and created the typical local fried rice which is based on the difference in the spices and how to fry. Fried rice is actually emerged from several properties in the Chinese culture, that does not like to eat cold food and also remove the remaining food a few days earlier. Hence, the cold rice then fried to be served again at the table.

Nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice) is also known as the national dish of Indonesia. Of the many dishes in Indonesia cuisine vocabulary, there is little that can be considered a true national dish. This national cuisine of Indonesia is known without boundaries of social class. Nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice) can be enjoyed simply on the roadside stalls, vending carts, to the restaurant and the buffet table in the party.

There are many kinds of nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice) recipes but the main element is the rice, cooking oil, soy sauce. In addition, many other extras that can be included, such as vegetables, meat, sauces, hot sauce, crackers and fried eggs.
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Old 16th July 2012, 06:00 PM   #5
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Indonesian Food - Bakso - Bakso or baso or meatball is a food, commonly made from ground meat blended with other ingredients. rolled into balls (small and sometimes bigger) and then to be cooked. Generally bakso are cooked by stewing, but can also by baking, frying, or steaming. Unlike sausage, making bakso is without process of curing, casing and smoking.

Generally the term bakso is followed by the type of basic ingredient (meat), such as bakso ikan (fish bakso/meatball), bakso ayam (chicken bakso/meatball) or bakso sapi (beef bakso/meatball). Based on main ingredients, particularly on types of the meat and the quantity of flour, bakso is divided into 3 types, bakso daging (common meatball), bakso urat (muscle meatball), and bakso aci (flour meatball). Bakso Daging or common meatball is bakso made from (muscle-less) meat, such as chuck and silverside/outside, with less adding flour than meat. Bakso Urat or muscle meatball is bakso made from muscle or meat that has a lot of connective tissue, such as rib. Bakso urat contains less flour than meat. Bakso Aci or flour meatball is bakso made by adding much more flour than meat.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:10 AM   #6
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brath endar ... mantap postingannya ... :thumb
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:08 PM   #7
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thank u admin

Palembang Pempek

Pempek or Empek-empek Palembang is the typical food made from fish and sago.Actually it is difficult to say that the center of pempek is Palembang because in almost all areas in South Sumatra produce it. Pempek presentation accompanied by a sauce of black brownish-called vinegar or cuko (Palembang language).

Wedang Ronde or Ronde Drink

No need to drink alcohol to seek warmth. Indonesia has a traditional drink that has more powerful benefits to stay warm. One of them is wedang ronde. In addition to warm, the drink is believed to be useful for our health.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:15 PM   #8
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Mie Aceh or Aceh Noodles

Mie Aceh is the cuisine spicy noodles typical Aceh in Indonesia. yellow thick noodles with slices of of beef, meat goat or foods sea (shrimp and squid) are presented within soup a kind of curry who savory and spicy. Noodles are available in two types of Aceh

Biji Salak - Sweet Potato Balls in Palm Sugar Syrup

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Old 17th July 2012, 02:16 PM   #9
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Ketan Sarikayo - Steamed Glutinous Rice and Coconut Milk Custard

I made this Padangnese/Minangnese (also known as Minangkabau, is indigenous to the highlands of West Sumatra, in Indonesia) style as our break-fast dish. They call it Sarikayo, some people may call it Srikaya and Sarikaya. But it never come into questions, in fact it enriches the culinary world of Indonesia.

Perhaps, not many of you knowing that Indonesia has various kind of foods. Not just the iconic dish beef rendang (which come from Padang/Minang), gudeg (young jackfruit in coconut milk, from Central Java), satay ayam (from Madura) or mie goreng Jawa (javanese style fried noodle), etc. In Indonesia you can find tons of traditional recipes that comes from each ethnic groups inherited in generations. They are usually rich in ingredients and full of spices.

Sarikaya itself is varied in Indonesia. You will find Sarikaya in green color with pandan extract in Palembang, Sarikaya pudding without steamed glutinous rice in Makassar and Sarikaya mold in the baking dish with steamed glutinous rice in Java.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:21 PM   #10
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Nasi Kuning

ellow rice is a typical Korean food. Food is made from rice that is cooked along with Turmeric and coconut milk and spices. Added with spices and coconut milk, yellow rice has a more savory taste than white rice. Yellow rice is one of the Variations of white rice which is often used as tumpeng. Usual yellow rice served with various side-dish pauk typical Indonesia.

Tradition in Indonesia of rice yellow color depicts the wealth, Prosperity and the lofty moral. Therefore, yellow rice often served on sukuran events and happy events such as birth, marriage and fiance. In Balinese tradition, the color yellow is one of the four Sacred colors which have, in addition to white, red and black. Yellow rice therefore often made at the ceremony Brass dish.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:26 PM   #11
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Nasi Tumpeng

Nasi Tumpeng, an Indonesian traditional food served for special celebrations. It is yellow rice created in a shape of a cone served with a wide array of chicken, beef, vegetables and sauces. Before the celebration begins, the tip of the cone is cut off to mark the celebration. Absolutely delicious!


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Old 17th July 2012, 02:28 PM   #12
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ireng (abbreviation of ACI fry, Sundanese for 'fried flour starch') is a snack that comes from the Sunda region is created with the fry batter mix of the main starch flour. This snack is very popular in the area Priangan, and sold in many forms and Variations in taste. Food is quite famous in the era of 80-an. This food consists of, among other starch flour, wheat flour, water, pepper powder, salt, garlic, soy, spring onion and oil. Now Cireng not only in Priangan, but has spread to almost all over the archipelago. Cireng generally sold by merchants who take bicycle with equipment to make Cireng on the back of the bike.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:31 PM   #13
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Baso Tahu Batagor is in the frying, with the base material made of white dough out of the tenggiri tapioca and fish, served hot-hot, with the peanut flavor is very spicy and sweet, thick soy sauce and is usually provided in perasan lemon.

Start-first, sales batagor Kopo started in the area, famous for Batagor Ihsan, and several years later, the businessman batagor is more, there are even restaurants that rely on special meal is Batagor. End the end is almost in every place jajanan (Foodcourt) batagor available.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:33 PM   #14
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Laksan Palembang is a typical food made from raw materials of fish and sago. Laksan made oval in shape with a sense that almost pempek, but the sauce served with coconut milk.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:36 PM   #15
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Celimpungan food is coming from South Sumatra. Basic material is celimpungan dough sago and fish as well as empek-empek who also came from South Sumatra.The difference between them lies in the form and sauce. Celimpungan rounded shape with a diameter of 10 cm and thin (flat). Sauce made from coconut milk and other spices blend. Celimpungan condiment eaten with fries.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:39 PM   #16
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Chicken Taliwang

Taliwang chicken is chicken-based food that is served with a flavor-flavor dried red chili, onion, garlic, red tomatoes, fried paste, kencur, sugar, and salt.
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Old 17th July 2012, 02:42 PM   #17
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Bajigur beverages Beverages is a typical drink from Indonesia West Java area. Drink is usually sold with the caravan that included a stove because this drink is delicious when drunk in warm conditions. Beverages bajigur beverages are often drunk in the afternoon especially on a rainy day. Food is often shared bajigur beverages Beverages are served boiled bananas, boiled cassava and boiled peanuts.

Meanwhile, in the Special Region of Jogjakarta, is another name bajigur beverages Beverages from objurgation scalawag (Civilian), so that the long run its meaning shifted from the beverage into a Taboo word is spoken for, that calumny is often used.
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