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Old 31st July 2012, 03:33 PM   #1
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Default General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

Nah di sini kita bisa buat daftar di trit General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

Cintailah Ploduk pluduk Eeendonesiaaa :gmttao_ind onesien:
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Old 31st July 2012, 03:40 PM   #2
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Default PT. Lundin Industry

63m Fast Missile Catamaran (buat TNI AL)

North Sea Boats
sumber :




The Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (FMPV) employs a modern “Wave Piercing” trimaran design. This allows the vessel to cut-through waves rather than rise up and over them, and the increased beam provides inherent stability. This combination of features reduces both pitching and rolling, creating a stable weapons platform, and enabling the vessel to comfortably and safely maintain higher average speeds in adverse conditions.

The FMPV has “Stealth” design characteristics, and incorporate features that minimise detection by reducing Radar, Infra-Red, Acoustic and Magnetic signatures. Stealth properties are further improved as there are no reverse-angle bow overhangs to reflect radar signals, as seen on conventional hull forms. Weaponry, including missiles and naval guns, and the ships 11 m high-speed RHIB, are discreetly concealed or shaped to meld into the superstructure profile.

The wide decks on the 63m OPV Trimaran also make it an ideal platform for carrying a helicopter, which extends the effective patrol range and capabilities of the vessel.


Construction is from strong and highly durable, lightweight composite carbon fibre sandwich, utilising vinylester modified epoxy resin and the vacuum resin infusion process. Thus ensuring improved fuel efficiency, and reduced operational, maintenance, and life cycle costs.

If equipped with waterjets the draft is just 1.2 m. Allowing operations both offshore and close inshore, with a much reduced risk of damage to the propulsion system from floating debris or grounding.

With lower maintenance requirements and automated control systems, the vessel can be operated by a crew of only 23. This can be augmented with a Special Operations Unit of 7 personnel, with their own dedicated crew quarters.


Over the past 20 – 30 years, catamarans have overtaken monohulls as the preferred design in many marine activities, and now trimaran designs are also becoming more common. Known collectively as multihull designs, they now serve in rolls as warships, commercial vessels, ferries, service and support vessels, fire fighting boats, pleasure boats, and importantly Search and Rescue craft. Modern multihulls have fine bows that slice through waves and reduce pitching, which allows them to maintain higher speeds in rough conditions, and reach an accident scene faster.

By contrast, conventional mono-hulled vessels tend to slam into waves and roll excessively from side to side, and must slow down considerably in heavy weather. This rolling also makes it difficult to launch their onboard rescue boats, and increases the risk of injury when retrieving victims directly from the water. Even after a successful rescue, this rolling can exacerbate injuries to victims who have sustained spinal damage.

A noticeable features of the multihull design, is increased beam. This additional width increases stability, making rescues safer, and gives increase space to take more victims on board. In a ferry disaster this enables more people to be saved, and with a much reduced chance of capsize. This happens on mono-hull vessels when they become overloaded and top-heavy.

Due to their form and lighter displacement, multihulls tend to sit on the water, rather than in the water. This gives them a much shallower draft, and enables them to operate in relatively shallow water. Giving the potential to get closer to stranded vessels, and enter shallow bays and estuaries. This is a significant advantage in situations where harbour infrastructure does not exist, or may have been damaged by tsunami or earthquakes.
Additional features include:

Less resistance because the longer narrow hulls give a higher length: beam ratio.

Less resistance because of lighter displacement. (Composite is 30% lighter than aluminum)

Less Drag = higher speed… or… less fuel consumption = longer range.

Improved maneuverability and course stability

Multi-role capability… can be used for patrol, humanitarian and disaster relief.
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Old 31st July 2012, 03:47 PM   #3
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Default 63m Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) Catamaran

Ada Juga Versi Offshore Patrol Vessel Catamaran 63m dan Versi Search and Rescue (SAR) Catamaran

63m Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) Catamaran




63m Search and Rescue Vessel Catamaran




Majulah Industri Pertahanan Indonesia !!!
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Old 3rd August 2012, 02:53 AM   #4
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superb min. moga2 alutsita kita makin dimodern kan, jaman sekarang "kekuatan milier" jadi salah satu penentu "kekuatan dimata musuh" selain kekuatan ekonomi.

go Indonesia
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Old 12th August 2012, 07:18 PM   #5
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Tambahan Foto-foto Lundin Industries dari forum sebelah

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Old 29th November 2012, 10:28 AM   #6
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Produksi Pesawat C295 Dipindah ke Bandung

Bandung, (Antara) -- Seluruh aktivitas produksi pesawat transpor menengah C295 sedang dalam proses dipindahkan oleh Airbus Military dari Sevilla, Spanyol, ke PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) di Bandung.

"Selain tingginya faktor kepercayaan Airbus Military kepada kami, ke depan mereka memang hanya akan memusatkan perhatian pada produksi pesawat transpor militer berbadan lebar A400M," kata IP Windu Nugroho, staf senior Divisi Komunikasi PTDI, di Bandung, Rabu.

Dalam proses pemindahan itu, PTDI kini sedang membangun pusat pengiriman (delivery center) untuk pesawat CN295, sebutan selanjutnya bagi C295 setelah produksi bersama dilaksanakan.

''Kegiatan ini salah satu bentuk perwujudan program revitalisasi di tubuh PTDI,'' kata Windu.

Proses pembangunan 'delivery center' disertai pula dengan proses pembangunan lini perakitan akhir (final assembly line) CN295. Pengerjaannya dibantu oleh tim ahli dari Airbus Military sebagai mitra bisnis. Delivery Center CN295 diharapkan selesai pada kuartal pertama 2013.

Setelah fasilitas itu siap, PTDI akan mampu mengirimkan pesawat hasil produksinya empat unit per tahun ke seluruh customernya, khususnya untuk pesawat ke tiga hingga ke tujuh pesanan TNI AU dari sembilan pesawat yang dipesannya, dengan dua sudah diserahkan ke TNI-AU bulan lalu.

Windu menjelaskan, Kementerian Pertahanan RI memutuskan pembelian sembilan CN295 pengganti pesawat-pesawat Fokker F-27 yang sudah dioperasikan TNI-AU sejak pertengahan 1970-an. Pengadaan CN295 untuk TNI-AU itu ditandatangani saat pameran kedirgantaraan Singapore Airshow, Februari 2012.

PTDI dan Airbus Military memiliki sejarah kerja sama panjang di berbagai bidang industri penerbangan sejak tahun 1976.

Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, PTDI telah memproduksi 102 unit NC212-200, 10 unit NC212- 400, 60 unit CN235 dalam berbagai varian dan misi, 200 unit CN235 sharing component untuk Airbus Military, 2 unit CN295, dan 88 unit C295 sharing component untuk Airbus Military.

Sebagai mitra, PTDI clan Airbus Military akan terus terlibat bersama dalam berbagai hal, diantaranya dalam pendistribusian teknologi dan pengetahuan seputar area manufaktur, manajemen proyek, teknologi informatika clan pengembangan komersil, yang tentunya akan menguntungkan ke dua belah pihak.

Terkait dengan proyek bersama itu, pesawat CN295 pertamakali diluncurkan oleh Airbus Military pada tahun 1996. Pesawat ini merupakan versi pengembangan dari CN235 yang sudah populer, dengan menawarkan kapasitas dan jangkauan lebih besar. Keduanya telah menjadi pesawat terlaris dalam segmen pasar masing-masing.

CN295 memiliki tingkat keandalan dan dukungan operasional tinggi seperti CN235, dan terbukti di medan pertempuran dan sukses dalam misi berkondisi panas, padang pasir, maritim serta kondisi dingin/es.

Pesawat ini dilengkapi "highly integrated avionics system (HIAS), sistem avionik terpadu modern berdasarkan Thales Topdeck Avionics.

Konsep arsitektur pesawat yang fleksibel dan penggunaan peralatan sipil/militer teknologi ganda memastikan kesuksesan misi taktis, potensi pertumbuhan untuk peralatan di masa depan, serta kesesuaian dengan lingkungan dirgantara sipil dewasa ini.

Ciri lain CN295 adalah avionik kokpit kaca pesawat terdiri dari empat matriks liquid crystal display berukuran besar (6x8 inci), kompatibel dengan kacamata malam hari. Sistem avioniknya terintegrasi dengan layar multifungsi untuk memperbaiki kesadaran situasional bagi pilot serta mengurangi beban kerja pilot dan meningkatkan efektivitas misi.

Pesawat ini juga memiliki alat perlindungan diri di lingkungan berbahaya seperti Irak dan Afghanistan, berupa pelindung kokpit, perangkat untuk mendeteksi radar (RWR), misil (MAWS) dan laser (LWS) serta memberitahukannya pada pilot, serta penglepas bunga api (flare dispenser).

CN295 juga mempunyai pilihan kapabilitas mengisi bahan bakar di tengah penerbangan. Pesawat CN295 memberikan tingkat multifungsi dan fleksibilitas yang luas, memenuhi kebutuhan kinerja dengan biaya rendah, dan lapangan udara yang kecil dan tidak beraspal, dengan layanan dukungan sepanjang usia pesawat.

CN295 pesawat segala misi, transportasi personel dan kargo hingga evakuasi, komunikasi dan logistik, ataupun kapabilitas air-dropping tersertifikasi. Semua ini dijalankan dengan waktu pengubahan konfigurasi tercepat, sehingga menurunkan risiko ketika beroperasi di lingkungan berbahaya. (*/sun)
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Old 19th February 2013, 08:13 PM   #7
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Pesawatnya keren banget, armada perang angkasa indonesia harus lebih di utamakan

Jam Tangan Casio Murah - Jam Tangan Expedition - Casio Edifice - Jam Tangan Seiko
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Old 21st April 2013, 11:08 PM   #8
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Kamis, 18 April 2013, PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) kembali menggelar acara Keel Laying Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) 60 M hull No. M000274 yang merupakan kapal kedua dari 3 (tiga) kapal sejenis pesanan TNI-AL. Direncanakan Kasal beserta jajaran berkenan hadir untuk menyaksikan acara tersebut.
Pembangunan KCR 60 M ini berdasarkan Surat Perjanjian Jual Beli Nomor : KTR/1056/02-48/XII/2011/Disadal No. Pembangunan M000273, W000274 dan W000275 antara PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) dan TNI-AL yang diwakili oleh DINAS PENGADAAN MABESAL, di bangun atas dasar kelas BKI.
Dijadwalkan kapal ke-2 ini akan diserahkan pada medio Maret 2014, sedangkan kapal yang ke-1, direncanakan akan diserahkan pada akhir Desember 2013, sedangkan kapal ke-3 akan diserahkan pada medio Juni 2014.
Adapun ukuran Utama Kapal Cepat Rudal 60 Meter (KCR-60M) :
- Panjang keseluruhan (LOA) : 59.80 M
- Panjang garis air (LWL) : 54.82 M
- Lebar (B) : 8.10 M
- Tinggi pada tengah kapal (T) : 4.85 M
- Sarat muatan penuh (Dd) : 2.60 M
- Berat muatan penuh (Displacement) : 460 Ton
Sistem Persenjataan
1. 1 X Meriam Utama 57 mm
2. 2 X Senjata 20 mm
3. 2 X 2 Peluncur rudal anti kapal permukaan (SSM)
4. 2 X Decoy Launcher
Olah Gerak
KCR 60M mempunyai kemampuan olah gerak yang tinggi, lincah dalam posisi tembak dan mampu melaksanakan penghindaran dari serangan balasan lawan.
Ketahanan Berlayar
1. Ketahanan dilaut : 9 hari
2. Jarak jelajah : 2.400 nm pada kecepatan 20 knot
3. Akomodasi : 43 orang
Kelaikan Kapal
KCR 60m dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria kelaikan laut sbb :
1. Stabilitas kapal memenuhi kriteria standar IMO A (749)
2. Tugas patroli hingga sea state 3
3. Kemampuan pengoperasian senjata hingga sea state 4
Diharapkan dengan even ini, semakin memperkokoh komitmen PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) serta wujud nyata untuk terus berperan aktif dalam pemenuhan alutsista negara, menuju kemandirian bangsa pada ALUTSISTA khususnya bidang kemaritiman.

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Old 15th December 2013, 10:23 PM   #9
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Default Len Kembangkan WECDIS dan Integrated Navigation & Tactical System

Len Kembangkan WECDIS dan Integrated Navigation & Tactical System
29 November 2013

Bandung (26/11/2013) – Len dan OSI Maritime dari Canada melakukan penandatangan MOU mengenai WECDIS (War Electronic Chart and Display) pada tanggal 26 November 2013 yang ditandatangani oleh Priono Joni Hartanto, Manager Rekayasa Sistem UB Elektonika Pertahanan.
WECDIS merupakan peta laut elektronik untuk peperangan yang akan diintegrasikan core software-nya ke dalam CMS Len, agar produk CMS Len semakin powerfull.

Dalam acara ini turut hadir para pamen/pejabat dari TNI AL Kalakhar Bakorkamla, Kadislitbangal, Kadissenlekal dan Kadishidros yang juga melakukan paparan, diskusi, serta kunjungan kerja ke Laboratorium Defense Electronics dan Gedung Produksi Elektronik di PT Len Industri (Persero).

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Old 14th January 2014, 10:27 PM   #10
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Default Re: General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

Indonesian firm wins bidding for supply of 2 Navy vessels

By Alexis Romero, The Philippine Star
Posted at 01/10/2014 3:22 AM
MANILA, Philippines - An Indonesian company has won the bidding for the supply of two new vessels for the Navy.
Sources told The STAR a notice of award for the P4-billion acquisition of two strategic sealift vessels was issued to PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) late last month.
This was confirmed yesterday by Defense Undersecretary Fernando Manalo, who oversees the military’s upgrade efforts.
“Yes, I think there is a NOA (notice of award) already,” Manalo said when asked whether PT PAL had won the bidding for the project.
PT PAL offered to supply the two ships for $86,980,000 or about P3.864 billion, well within the approved budget of P4 billion.
The strategic sealift vessels can be used for civil-military operations and for transporting large number of soldiers, logistics and supplies. Each of the vessels can also accommodate three helicopters.
Nine companies bought bid documents for the project but only two of them submitted offers.
The other bidder, Daewoo International, was declared by the Bids and Awards Committee as ineligible due to its failure to meet certain technical requirements.
The other companies that had expressed interest in the project but had not submitted bids were Propmech Corp., Larsen & Toubro, Stone of David Tactical Equipment, STX Offshore Shipbuilding Co., Keppel Philippines Marine Inc., PT Citra Shipyard, and a joint venture between Astartez Defense and Rescue Solution Co. and Coastal Industries Pse. Ltd.
PT PAL underwent post-qualification process in the last quarter of 2013 before it was declared the winner. The post-qualification phase sought to verify the financial and technical documents submitted by the bidder.
The strategic sealift vessels acquisition project is one of the big-ticket items in the military’s upgrade program.

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Old 16th January 2014, 10:54 AM   #11
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Default Re: General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

IMDEX Asia 2013: Two-ship programme firms up for Indonesian PKR frigate
Richard Scott, Singapore - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
14 May 2013

Dutch shipbuilder Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, working in partnership with Indonesia's PT PAL, has confirmed the programme and build strategy for the construction of the first two SIGMA 10514 Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) guided missile frigates for the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL).

Damen Schelde and the Indonesian Ministry of Defence signed a contract for the engineering, construction, and delivery of a single PKR in June 2012, with the contract coming into force at the end of 2013. An option for a second ship has subsequently been exercised, with this contract coming into effect in the next few weeks, Damen Schelde confirmed at IMDEX Asia 2013 in Singapore.
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Old 14th December 2014, 10:57 PM   #12
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Default Re: General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

up up up
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Old 11th April 2018, 02:35 PM   #13
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Default Re: General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

yang jual marine supplies di Indonesia itu perusahaan apa aj sih gan?
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Old 29th July 2018, 05:05 PM   #14
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Default Re: General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

Originally Posted by admin View Post
Nah di sini kita bisa buat daftar di trit General Military Industry and Product of Indonesia

Cintailah Ploduk pluduk Eeendonesiaaa :gmttao_ind onesien:
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