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Old 15th December 2012, 06:26 PM   #1
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Default Budidaya Kacang Pistachios di Indonesia

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Apakah kacang pistachios bisa dibudidaya di Indonesia? meskipun iklimnya kurang cocok, namun tidak ada salah nya dicoba

dari wikipedia
Pistachio (Pistacia vera L., Anacardiaceae) merupakan sebuah tanaman yang memiliki panjangnya 10-20 cm. Tanaman ini biasanya ditanam di Iran, Turkmenistan dan Azerbaijan barat. Warnanya hijau cerah sehingga sangat cantik untuk hiasan makanan. Selain dimakan sebagai snack, kacang ini juga sering digunakan sebagai isi pie, biskuit, es krim atau cake. Sepertihalnya almond, pistachio juga kaya akan protein dan potassium.

How to Start Pistachio Farm

Why pistachio? Because this is one of the nuts that will give you unimaginable profits once you successfully started and ran the business! Know how to own a pistachio farm now!
Since they pistachios are expensive and popular, it is one of the most desirable businesses to start.

Having a farm can even give you bigger profits compared when you buy and sell these delicious and flavorful nuts. By starting with a small farm and having clients to supply, this can make you one of the big entrepreneurs in the pistachio farming industry. Now, all you need to know is how to start pistachio farm and how to successfully run it.
Finding a suitable location for farming pistachios is the first step that you should accomplish before planting. If planted in the right location, the plants will grow healthy and only few pests will threaten the seedlings. The height can also be maintained with minimal pruning. The plants can tolerate winter’s cold temperature though in summer, it requires a hot and dry climate to have fully-developed fruits. This is also referred to as the Mediterranean climate. Deep well drained soil is also an important factor.
When it comes to pollination, there can be so much fuss when it comes to pistachio plants. Wind is the main mode of natural pollination that these plants use but hand pollination can also be done if you have much time or if you have assistants. The issue with this plant is that it is “dioecious” because you need both male and female plants in order to bear fruits. Most commercial pistachio growers use a variety of male pistachios in order to pollination a wide farm of female pistachios. Pollen availability must always be monitored.
Roots of the plants are very important for it to become healthy. For home growers with small farm, deep rooting capabilities must be considered. So if you are growing these plants in containers before transplanting, you have to make sure that you plant it in a deep container. Grafting is also a great option but this requires great skills. A little advice if you are going to buy seedling from nurseries: it has to have a female and male/double-grafted plant and not yet overdeveloped in the pot. Don’t prune back the tap root when transplanting. The root system being moist is a must but it should not be drowning the plant.
After you have successfully planted or transplanted the pistachio plants, you will no longer have much worry. The pistachio plant is tolerant with droughts. But it needs regular showers or moisture in order to grow good fruits. You can select from different varieties of this plant but most growers usually prefer Siora because nuts split consistently.
Storing the fruits is a good choice in business. What you will do is to get the ripe fruits ant then let it dry. It has to be salted to extend its life. Start making sales and this can be the start of your pistachio farming career.

Jakarta - Sebuah studi di Turki mengungkap bahwa makan pistachio sekali selama 3 minggu membuat para pria mendapatkan ereksi lebih kuat. Diet dengan kacang ini sangat dianjurkan pada mereka yang memiliki masalah disfungsi ereksi.

Sebuah studi yang dipublikasi di International Journal of Impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine mengungkap tentang khasiat kacang pistachio. Kacang berkulit keras asal Persia ini banyak terdapat di daerah Timur Tengah dan Eropa.

Berbentuk oval runcing dengan kulit keras berwarna putih. Bagian dalamnya berwarna hijau kekuningan dengan kulit ari berwarna merah. Rasanya sangat renyah dan gurih. Warna hijaunya yang cantik membuat kacang ini sering dipakai sebagai taburan kue atau dessert.

Seperti diungkap Men'sHealth, dalam sebuah studi di Turki, tiap peserta diberi 100 gram pistachio setiap makan siang selama 3 minggu. Di akhir percobaan, 17 orang tercatat memiliki skore 50% lebih tinggi untuk ereksi kuat dibandingkan sebelumnya.

Selain fungsi ereksi menjadi lebih baik, kepuasan seks, orgasme dan kepuasan menjadi lebih baik juga. Secara khusus aliran darah ke penis pun meningkat 22% melalui pengukuran ultrasound.

'Kacang pisatachio tinggi kadar asam amino arginine non esensial yang berperan dalam melenturkan pembuluh darah dan memperlancar aliran darah yang dipicu oleh nitric oxide,' tutur kepala riset Mustafa Aldemir dari Atatürk Teaching and Research Hospital di Turki.

Para pria dalam penelitian juga menunjukkan kemajuan dalam tingkat kolesterol darah. Ini disebabkan karena pistachio juga kaya akan asam lemak tak jenuh, serat dan sterol. Dalam penelitian terdahulu terungkap hubungan antara kadar kolesterol dan disfungsi ereksi.

Kacang pistachio biasanya dijual dalam bentuk siap makan, dipanggang bersama kulitnya. Dijual dalam berbagai kemasan di banyak pasar swalayan dan toko camilan.
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budidaya, ereksi, farm, kacang pista, pistachios

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